Does Carpet Cleaning Help with Allergies

Allergy Sufferers’ Guide to Cleaner, Healthier Carpets

Does Carpet Cleaning Help with Allergies

Did you know that your carpets could be making your allergies worse? If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from allergies, your carpeting might be to blame. These seemingly innocent floor coverings can be home to a host of common allergens. But don’t despair. Professional deep cleaning can be your secret weapon. In this article, we’ll explore how does carpet cleaning help with allergies so you breathe easier.

How Do Carpets Trap Allergens?

Carpeted floors are kind of like sticky spiderwebs – they trap everything that lands on them, including:

  • Dust mites
  • Mold and mildew
  • Pollen
  • Pet hair (even from neighbourhood pets)

This is because covered flooring is made up of woven fibres, almost like bristles. These little bristles grab onto anything and everything. Vacuuming mainly cleans the surface. All those tiny particles get stuck down deep into the carpet fibres that a vacuum can’t reach.

DIY Tips to Keep Allergens at Bay

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to suck up as many irritants as possible.
  2. If you spill something, clean it up right away to prevent staining and mould growth.
  3. Air purifiers can help filter out irritants, improving indoor air quality.
  4. If you have pets, make sure to groom them regularly. Keep them clean to minimise dander.

Calling in Pro Carpet Cleaners

Even with all your best efforts, sometimes you need to call in the experts. That’s where professional carpet cleaners come in.

Hot Water Extraction (HWE)

Also known as steam cleaning, this method is like giving your carpeting a deep, thorough clean. Here’s how it works:

  1. Professional cleaners start by pre-treating your carpet with a special cleaning solution designed to loosen up dirt and allergens.
  2. They use a powerful machine to spray hot water and cleaning solution deep into the fibres.
  3. The machine then extracts the water, along with all the dirt, dust, and other allergy triggers, leaving your floors clean and fresh.


  • Deep clean: Steam extraction is incredibly effective at removing deep-seated dirt and irritants from your carpet fibres.
  • Kills dust mites: The high temperature can kill these common triggers for allergies.
  • Removes odours: HWE can also help eliminate any lingering musty odours.


  • Longer drying time: Because steam cleaning uses a lot of water, your carpets will take longer to dry completely (usually around 24 hours).
  • Potential for mould growth: If not dried thoroughly, there’s a risk of mould and mildew growth, which can make allergies worse.

Dry Cleaning Methods

These techniques use low moisture to clean your carpeted flooring. They’re a great choice if you’re worried about moisture or need a quicker turnaround time.

There are a few different dry-cleaning methods, but they all follow a similar process:

  1. The professional cleaners apply a special powder or compound.
  2. They then use a machine with counter-rotating brushes. These work the cleansing agent deep into the backing, breaking up dirt and germs.
  3. Finally, they vacuum up the powder, along with all the dirt and irritants. This leaves your carpet clean and nearly dry.


  • Minimal moisture: Dry cleaning uses very little moisture, so your carpet will dry much more quickly than with steam cleaning.
  • Quick turnaround: Because the drying time is so short, you can usually walk on your floors again within a few hours.
  • Effective at removing allergens: While it might not be quite as thorough as steam extraction, it’s still very effective at removing dust, pollen, and other allergy triggers.


  • May not be as deep a clean: Dry cleaning methods may not penetrate as deeply into the carpet fibres as steam extraction. Some deeply embedded bacteria could remain.
  • Chemical sensitivities: Some people may be sensitive to the compounds used in dry cleaning methods.

Both hot water extraction and dry cleaning methods can be highly effective at removing allergens, helping to alleviate allergy symptoms. The best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

If you have severe allergies or heavily soiled floors, a steam clean might be the way to go. Allow plenty of time for your carpets to dry completely to avoid any mould growth.

On the other hand, if you need a quicker turnaround time or are worried about moisture, dry carpet cleaning methods can be a great alternative. They’ll still remove a significant amount of irritants, and you’ll be able to enjoy your clean carpets sooner.

Whichever method you choose, regular professional cleaning, combined with DIY maintenance, can go a long way. So don’t hesitate to call in the pros and create a healthier, allergy-friendly home environment.

Make It a Habit

Steam Cleaning Kills Allergens

How often should you hire professional carpet cleaning services?

Experts recommend at least once or twice a year. But if your allergies are severe, you might want to do it more often. Keep in mind that while DIY methods and rented equipment can help, they’re not as powerful as the tools and techniques used by the pros.

More Ways to Create an Allergy-Friendly Home

In addition to regular carpet care, there are a few other things you can do to prevent runny noses and itchy eyes:

  • Avoid high-pile or shag carpets that trap allergens
  • Regularly clean curtains, bedding, and upholstery
  • Act fast if you have any water damage or signs of mould

Choose floor covers made from hypoallergenic materials

Carpet TypeAllergy Risk

Seasonal carpet care tips

SeasonMaintenance Tips
  • Deep vacuum to remove accumulated allergens
  • Spot clean winter stains
  • Schedule professional deep clean
  • Vacuum weekly to remove dirt and allergens
  • Clean spills and stains immediately
  • Use mats or rugs in high-traffic areas
  • Schedule expert clean before holidays
  • Vacuum upholstered furniture
  • Check for moisture damage and address promptly
  • Use a humidifier to reduce static electricity
  • Clean salt stains with warm water and white vinegar
  • Vacuum thoroughly after holiday gatherings

Following these seasonal and regular maintenance tips to keep your carpets looking great. You can also extend its life and maintain a healthier, allergy-friendly home.

Breathe Easy with a Clean, Allergy-Friendly Home

Hiring a professional carpet cleaner, combined with some simple DIY efforts, makes it easier to minimise allergic reactions at home. You’ll be able to breathe easier and enjoy your space more. So, what are you waiting for? Book a service and take a big step towards healthier, happier living.